New Papers and Dies from Rubbernecker!

Prepare yourselves – I am showing off the new papers and dies from Rubbernecker that are releasing TODAY!

I don’t know what is in the water over there at headquarters but I hope it never runs out – take a look at the new papers and dies from Rubbernecker that you can snatch up starting today! There is SO much crafty goodness here and I once again almost feel like I’ve been cheating by getting my hands on all these goodies early. I hope you enjoy the samples I am sneak peeking to you today – come back regularly to get all the tips, tricks and details on how I made each project.

Let’s look at the papers first. I did have a hand in choosing these designs and am just tickled at how great these turned out!

Country Christmas Paper Pad

Country Christmas cover art (002)

Festive Farmhouse Paper Pad

Festive Farmhouse cover art (002)


Harvest Time Paper Pad

Harvest time cover art (002)

These three new Rubbernecker Paper Pads are the made using fabulous 80 lb. card stock weight with the “matching” papers on the opposite sides of different sheets so you can use every scrap of these delicious papers.

Now on to the dies – I am over the moon with these dies and haven’t been able to shut off my card-idea-popcorn-brain since I got them! 

First up, we have two brand new accessory sets to go with the Tabbed House Die set. This set is still on a revolving door over at Rubbernecker – the restock comes in and the restock goes out! And with these two new accessory sets – Fall and Spring – I am predicting this will become a permanent situation!

Fall House Accessories

KC Rubbernecker 5516-04D Fall House Accessories 1 a

Spring House Accessories

KC Rubbernecker 5516-03D Spring House Accessories 1 center

The possibilities using this beautifully designed house set and all the additional details you can add with the accessory sets are endless! I’ve linked all the sets below in my Linkdeli to make them easy for you to find.

Next we have an ornate rendering of a basic element for outdoor scenes – a pretty fence!

Fancy Fence

KC Rubbernecker 5517-02D Fancy Fence 2 right
Aaaaand – a SPOOKY fence! Isn’t it amazing how this design takes on the vibe of the elements around it?

Fancy Fence

KC Rubbernecker 5517-02D Fancy Fence 1 right
With Fall coming and so many people getting outside into the fresh air, what better way to nod to this season than with a classic swing?

Wooden Bench Swing

KC Rubbernecker 5517-01D Wooden Bench Swing 1
Just like with flowers, I don’t believe one can ever have too many leaf dies. These classic shapes with defining details baked right in are sure to be the perfect addition to any foliage collection.

Leaf Trio

KC Rubbernecker 5510-06D Leaf Trio 1 right

We know them, we love them, they are the feathered friends from the Build An Owl set and now with the Owl Birthday Add On, we can add these fellas to even more adorable cards!  I’ve linked all the sets below in my Linkdeli to make them easy for you to find.

Owl Birthday Add On

KC Rubbernecker 5335-04D Owl Birthday Add On a

We have a lot of card making friends in the West and it’s time to give them a moment of their own. These two new sets are just gorgeous and I so enjoyed getting the chance to honor the beauty of that part of our country with new designs.

Saddle and Wagon Wheel 

KC Rubbernecker Western right

Cowboy Boots and Hat

KC Rubbernecker 5424-03D Cowgirl and Cowboys a right


As I said, check back to get details on the individual projects and in the meantime, add what you know you just have to have to your cart by signing in to the Rubbernecker shop and then click on the images below to add them to your shopping cart.

2006 Country Christmas 6×6 Paper Pad
[ RBB ]
2004 Festive Farmhouse 6×6 Paper Pad
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2005 Havest Time 6×6 Paperpack
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5516-04D Fall House Accessories Die
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5516-03D Spring House Accesories Die
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5516-02D Snow Accs for House Die
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5516-01D Tabbed House Die
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5517-02D Fancy Fence Die
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5517-01D Wooden Bench Swing Die
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5506-05D Humming Birds Die
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5506-04D Humming Bird Feeder Die
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5510-06D Leaf Trio Die
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5424-07D Saddle and Wagon Wheel Die
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5424-06D Cowboy boots and Hat Die
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5424-05D Kokopelli Die
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5335-01D Build an Owl Die
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5335-04D Owl Birthday Add on Die
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5335-02D Owl Halloween add on’s Die
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5335-03D Owl Christmas add on’s Die
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5518-02D Witch Hat and Cauldron Die
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5518-01D Spooky Hand Die
[ RBB ]
5518-03D Drips and Splatters Die
[ RBB ]

I love it when I get to share new papers and dies from Rubbernecker and give you all a chance to see them “in action”! Pick your favorite new goodies, get them in your hands and then come back to see how to make your faves!

4 thoughts on “New Papers and Dies from Rubbernecker!”

  1. As always, such beautiful work!! That house die is amazing. I also like all of the accessories. So many fun things, too little budget!


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