Cornflower Tutorial

Punch out several embossed Martha Stewart cornflowers. Using deckle or postage scissors cut the petals of one flower to shorten for an inner layer of the flower. Cut the petals of another flower almost totally off so there is just a hint of petals around the circle. Punch out three or four little hydrangea petals and one tiny flower. Round and form the flower sections using a stylus (see punched flower tutorial) and mouse pad or piercing mat.

Cornflower 1
Attach the first three large cornflowers offsetting each layer a little so the petals are not perfectly lined up. Add the first cut down flower and then the small circular flower and finish layering with the tiny flowers.

Cornflower 2

Cornflower 3
Here is the project I made using vellum challenge. I love how it turned out. The white embossed vellum really looks puffy with all the layers. Check out my multi loop bow tutorial if you would like to know how I made my bow.

KC Martha Stewart Cornflower 1 right
KC MArtha Stewart Cornflower 1 close

KC Martha Stewart Cornflower 1 left