Good Friday morning. I have a pretty die cut lamp post and flowers scene card to share with you today using the newly released Rubbernecker Lamp Post with Accessories, Borders #2 and Small Ivy paired with the Tiny Flower Buds, Small Butterflies and Grass Set. Along with the hanging basket the Lamp Post set comes with a hanging lamp and hanging sign. My first thought was to use the lamp post on a Christmas card project with the lamp glowing in the dark and trimmed with evergreens and red bow. But the hanging basket called to me to fill it with the ivy and tiny flowers. I thought it would look so pretty against the all white decorative layer.
The Decorative Layer, Lamp Post and Grass
- Cut the Borders #2 using white cardstock.
- Cut the lamp post using black cardstock.
- Cut the grass using green cardstock.
- Apply mounting tape to the back of the white layer and attach it to the card base.
- Apply thin strips of mounting tape the upper portion of the back of the lamppost and a glue dot at the bottom and attach to the white layer.
- Apply mounting tape to the grass and attach it to the card base.
The Hanging Basket and Flower Pot
- Cut the hanging basket and flower pot using black cardstock.
- Cut two sections of the tiny flower buds using purple cardstock.
- Cut several sections of the small ivy.
- Place the flowers face up on the molding pad and form them using the small tipped stylus.
- Apply glossy accents to pieces of the ivy and arrange them in the hanging basket and flower pot.
- Attach an ivy section to the left back side of the basket and another on the right back side of the basket.
- Attach an ivy section in the center of the basket.
- Continue adding pieces of ivy and work your way back until you have a nicely formed arrangement. Trim the ivy sections as necessary to fit.
- Repeat the steps above to create the arrangement in the flower pot.
- Apply glossy accents to the flowers and attach them to the ivy. Continue until the arrangement is full.
- Apply pieces of mounting tape to the back of the basket and flower pot and attach to the white layer.
- Cut purple butterflies and attach them to the white layer to finish the scene.
I had so much fun creating this die cut lamp post and flowers scene and I couldn’t resist using my favorite color combination of purple, green and white. Have you checked out the new Rubbernecker release? There are lots of fun new dies and more coming soon. Thanks for coming by today and I hope you have a great start to the weekend.
You have retained your crown as the queen of flower making.. I truly believe you are the best. I love this card… Thank you for sharing your fantastic creativity
Good morning, kittie; a wonderful spring day, think it forgot its fall. I love your flowers because of whatever the day is outside, you bring beauty an joy in your creations of lovely flowers so well made…have a good week-end……..LOL
This is beautiful Kitty, as are all your fabulous creations!
Love the flowers and ivy in the basket and pot!