Good Wednesday morning. I would like to invite you to join me in the CLASSroom for my step by step build a home scene tutorial.
A special thanks to all of you who have written me with your concerns about the issues with Typepad and my blog. The technical support is working as quickly as possible to correct the problems. I appreciate all the wonderful support I receive from you each and every day.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Kittie, I am so glad, I can write again to your blog!!
You have made a really GORGEOUS scene!
A Home to want to be there…:-)
The cards with the Hollyhocks from yesterday and the day before, they both are Fabulous!!
Hugs, Eva.
Yes, you can again leave a comment. This card is stunning ! A lovely scene as I like ! Thank you for the tutorial !
Kittie ~
As always, I simply LOVE this card. Your directions are FABULOUS and make me think … “I can do this.” (smile).
I do have two questions … I know … I can hear your sigh from here (as I ALWAYS have questions)!! (I promise I read through your post twice, so I hope I didn’t miss the obvious.)
What is the finished size of your card? How did you make the frame (with the LC Nesting Squares)?
Thank you, Kittie, for the ongoing inspiration. I have a wish list a mile long based solely on your projects!!
wow Kittie, this is gorgeous. Love the house and corners.
Yay . . . . I can leave a comment . . . and, oh Kittie, this is sooooo adorable! I love the house, the shutters, the door, the ornamentation . . . way too cute! And look at that tree . . . and the hedges and that adorable picket fence . . . . this is so over-the-top Kittie . . . . I keep going back to take more peeks . . . . and now I see the tiny wreath on the door, wow!!!! This one knocked my socks off.
Judy, I am sorry I left off the size of this card. I have been trying to do better at that. The card is 5.25″ square.
For the frame: I started with a 5.25″ piece of cardstock. I placed it on the Big Shot magnetic platform and put the die in place for the cut. I topped it with the cutting plate and ran through the machine. There is a picture on the tutorial in the CLASSroom showing the sandwish before I made the cut. I sure hope this helps. If not let me know. 🙂
Oh, I want to move in there real bad. Its just over the top gorgeous Kittie. Im so
glad we can comment again. I couldnt breath like someone had their hand over my mouth LOL. Both of your Hollyhock cards were stunning as always too. I love how you always pick the perfect paper for your background in so many of your scenes, it truly does add so much to your card, perfecto. I truly appreciate all the detail you add to your cards and after playing a bit with those little flowers I know these cards are very time consuming to create and I truly appreciate you sharing all your creative ideas. Thank You.
Good Morning, Kittie, WOW! Hurray! it is a good morning, I can comment here again. An what a gorgeous card to celebrate with. this a stunning, scene, of love and beauty. That house must be on my list.with So many flowers, to add the sweet fragrance of home. A fantastic creation…..You made my day……LOL
Beautiful scene and great choice for the background paper!
Yay, comments are working again. It was so frustrating not being able to comment and I didn’t have your email address. What I wanted to let you know was, the only way I could access your posts was through my favourites list. I would click on a saved post and then when it opened click on the home button. I was able to see your beautiful cards but couldn’t comment. I loved the hollyhocks floral spray, I have saved that one to my favourites. I will now go see your house building post in the classroom blog. Thank you for sharing everyday eventhough there were so many typepad problems.
You are AWESOME, Kittie!! Thank you for the extra help!! 🙂
What a great tutorial on building your house Kittie. Always such sweet cards you make.
How creative you are….love this one, too.