I got to play with the CUTEST bumble bee die cut and his little hive, one of the latest new die cuts from Rubbernecker. I just love the size and scale of these little fellows and just had to add a little bed of tiny paper flowers for him to collect all that yummy pollen! For this sweet scene I used the Inside Scallop, Bee With Hive, Stitched Hills, Leaves and Greenery, Spring Leaves, Small Flowers #1, Small Flowers #3 and Tiny Flower Buds.
The Scene and Card Base
- Cut an A2 sized card using white cardstock.
- Use white cardstock and the Inside Scallop die to cut the scene base.
- Apply masking tape on all four sides of the scene base.
- Use Beachside ink and a blender blender brush to apply the blue sky background.
- Cut a rectangle piece of yellow cardstock to fit behind the scene and attach it to the card base using ATG adhesive.
- Apply strips of mounting tape to the back of the scene layer and attach it to the card base.
The Grass and Flowers
- Use green cardstock to cut the Stitched Hills grass section and the flower stems.
- Use the same Inside Scallop die to cut the grass section so it will match the pattern of the scene base.
- Cut the flowers from the Bee with Hive set and the smaller flower sets using orange, red and yellow cardstock.
- Form the flowers using a stylus and molding pad.
- Use the tiny flowers to fill in the center of the larger flowers.
- Attach all the flowers to the flower stems and tuck them in behind the grass section and apply with glossy accents.
The Bumble Bee, Branch and Hive
- Cut the bumble bee body using black and yellow cardstock and the wings using white vellum cardstock.
- Attach the bee sections together using glossy accents.
- Use Kraft card stock to cut the branch and green cardstock to cut the small leaves.
- Apply Antique Linen ink to the branch using a mini applicator ant attach the leaves using glossy accents.
- Attach the branch to the top of the scene base using a strip of mounting tape.
- Use yellow and golden brown cardstock to cut the hive. and attach the pieces together using glossy accents.
- Finish the scene by attaching the bee and the hive to the scene base using pieces of mounting tape.
Here are all the shapes included in this die cut set – isn’t it just the CUTEST?
I can see so many different cute things we can do with this bumble bee die cut and I hope you come back to check out what I make! Did you happen to see my Framed Honey Bee Card made using this same set along with the Bee with Honey Pot set? The two sets are perfect to mix and match. together Thank you for coming by and I hope you are staying safe out there.
Here are the Rubbernecker products used for this card.
Here are the other tools and supplies used.
SO ADORABLE, Kittie!!! BEAUTIFULLY DONE with all the details you’ve added! CAN’T WAIT to see what else you create with this SWEET little bee!!! ;)<3
Oh is he ever cute and love the colors you have chosen, love the little flowers!