Today’s wrapped bouquet on a handmade card is a beautiful way to gift someone these pretty paper flowers!
What better way to present someone with these beautiful paper flowers than in a wrapped bouquet on a handmade card? These flowers don’t need to be put in water and they will last forever! Packaged in a classic floral wrap, this is a permanent way to gift them something so fresh and lovely.
To make this card I used the new Rubbernecker Nested Rectangle with Square Holes, Small Flowers #5, and Flower Bouquet Wrap – along with the Branches and Leaves die set and the Kittie Says Friends. I just love this way of sharing something so springy and it’s practically perfect for just about any occasion. Let me share the details with you so you can make one, too.
Card Base and Sentiment
- Use white cardstock to cut an A2 sized card base.
- Cut a 5.50″ x 4.25″ layer of aqua cardstock and attach it to the card base using ATG adhesive.
- Use white cardstock to cut the Nested Rectangle with Square Holes and a second smaller section of the die to use for the sentiment.
- Apply strips of mounting tape to the back of the rectangle layer and attach it to the card base.
- Trim the smaller section of the rectangle to about .75″ high.
- Secure the strip and sentiment stamp in the MISTI, stamp using black ink and set aside.
The Wrapped Bouquet
- Use aqua cardstock to cut the Flower Bouquet Wrap.
- Cut the Small Flowers #5 using yellow, pink and aqua cardstock and place them face up on the molding pad.
- Form the flowers by pushing down in the center of each flower using a tiny tipped stylus.
- Use green cardstock to cut the Branches and Leaves.
- Attach the tiny flowers to the branches of foliage using glossy accents.
- Begin the bouquet arrangement by attaching branches of flowers to the back of the wrap using glossy accents.
- Attach branches to the back of the first branches using glossy accents and continue adding until you have the desired size bouquet.
- Soften the bouquet by attaching smaller branches to hang over the wrap edge using glossy accents.
- Apply glossy accents to the upper back of the wrap and branches and attach it to the card base.
- Apply strips of mounting tape to the back of the sentiment layer, line it up over the rectangle layer and attach.
- Attach a few clear sequins to rectangle layer for an added feminine touch.
You can see that, as much detail as there is on the final product, the making is easy. Using the same element over and over, in different colors (though monochromatic would be just as gorgeous!), massed in a luxurious arrangement, creates that lush look with not a ton of effort! Here’s what I used today to make this wrapped bouquet on a handmade card:
Make a batch of flowers, cut that cute wrapper and put it all together – what could be easier? Try this wrapped bouquet on a handmade card the next time you want to send something loaded with gorgeousness but not overly fussy to make.
This is so precious Kittie, your delicate flowers and gorgeous bouquet is stunning xx
Thank you so much, Annie!