Christmas Welcome Home

Good Saturday morning.  It certainly is no secret that I love making house cards, especially during the holidays.  The new Impression Obsession Door/ Window set and Fence Trio are just the perfect size for an A2 card front to create a welcoming front door scene.

KC IMpression Obsession Door Window 2 left
I started by cutting the door and top window.  The door die cuts a frame with open windows so I added a piece of cardstock to the back to create the closed panels. I left the window open.  I attached a thinly scored and folded piece of cardstock to the door to create the appearance of a step and then attached the door to the card base.  I used the window as a template to draw lines as a guide and cut the opening with my craft knife.  I cut two windows and attached them together with glossy accents so it would be the equal thickness of the door with the added back panel.  Did that make sense?  I attached the window to the opening with glossy accents.  The see thru window doesn’t show well in the photos but it is really a sweet touch in person.  I used a tiny brush and white watercolor paint to apply falling snow flakes on the card base. I cut a roof, crimped it, applied flower soft and attached it to the card base. The top of the roof was attached directly to the base and the lower edge of the roof was attached with mounting tape for added dimension.

Next I cut two fence sections and a small grass border.  I know…you are thinking to yourself….grass border?  Huh?  I wanted to create an uneven snowy border for the fence and the grass fit the bill perfectly.  I applied glossy accents to the grass and applied Flower Soft. I attached the snowy grass sections directly to the fence sections. I cut the trees, crimped them, lightly applied Flower Soft and attached them to the card base with mounting tape.  I attached the fence sections to the trees and card base with mounting tape.

KC Impression Obsession Door Window 2 center

I created pine boughs with sprigs of pine and attached red bows to create old-fashioned holiday decorations. I lightly applied spots of glossy accents  and Flower Soft to the to the pine and bows for the finishing touch.

Here a couple closer views. 

KC Impression Obsession Door Window 2 close a

KC Impression Obsession Door Window 2 close

You can click on the photos to see larger pictures.

I love how this turned out.  I want to walk right up the path and into the welcoming entry way.

KC Impression Obsession Door Window 2 right


Hint: I keep my Flower Soft in Glad containers that are large enough to lay my pieces of prepared cardstock face down to gather the Flower Soft.  They are also perfect for catching it when you just want to lightly sprinkle. I also store my embossing powders this way and keep plastic spoons in each one.


Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Impression Obsession Dies, Door/WindowImpression Obsession Dies, Fir TreesImpression Obsession Dies, Fence TrioImpression Obsession Dies, Pine Sprig ClusterImpression Obsession Dies, Sm Grass BorderFiskars Paper Crimper, Straight   Flower Soft Ultra Fine, White  Flower Soft, Polar White        Studio Artist Brushes  Prima Marketing Comfort Craft Craft Knife by Ingvild Bolme  Accents, Glossy High Tack Double-Sided Foam Mounting Tape, 1/2  Glue Dots, 3/8ATG Kit, Advanced Tape GliderSizzix Big Shot Machine, Black & PinkMemory Box Die, Metal Adaptor PlateTeflon Bone Folder Paper Trimmer, Tonic Guillotine 12


Paper:  Blue, White, Olive, Gray     Accessories:  Impression Obsession Door/ Window Set, Fir Trees, Fence Trio, Pine Sprig Cluster, Small Grass Border, Crimper, Flower Soft Ultrafine White, Polar White,   White Watercolor Paint, Brush, Ribbon, Craft Knife, Glossy Accents, Mounting Tape, Glue DotsMetal Adapter Plate, ATG, Big Shot, Teflon Bone Folder, Guillotine Paper Cutter 

3 thoughts on “Christmas Welcome Home”

  1. Good morning, Kittie. This is so different. Glad you explained the door. I was wondering why no windows seen and the snow. thought at first the door was standing without any support. Very nicely done. But I think I would add, if even just a hint of window frames on the sides. to complete the house… just an idea.. love the colors and the design otherwise….have a good week-end. Hugs


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