Impression Obsession “Some Bunny Loves You” Challenge

Good Thursday morning and welcome to the Impression Obsession “Some Bunny Loves You” design team challenge. My project today was the Bunny Set, Bouquet, Butterfly Set and was framed using the Circle Shaker Frames.  The matting circles were made using the Nesting Circles.

KC Impression Obsession Bunny Set 14 right

I started by cutting the circle frame and the two matting frames and attached them together using tiny strips of mounting tape. I applied double stick tape to the back lower portion of the frame and attached two full sections of the green bouquet stems.  I applied double stick tape all the way around the back of the frame and stems and attached it to the card base.

KC Impression Obsession Bunny Set 14 center

I formed the different colored flowers from the set with my stylus and molding pad and attached them to the stems using glossy accents. The bunnies were colored using mini applicators and Antique Linen and Vintage Photo ink. Each bunny was attached to the scene using mounting tape. I trimmed a portion off the back section of the bunny on the left to get him to fit inside the frame.  I attached the three butterflies in the scene with glossy accents for the finishing touch.

KC Impression Obsession Bunny Set 14 close

Here’s a closer view of those three precious bunnies.  I love making projects with them.

KC Impression Obsession Bunny Set 14 left

Why don’t you come along and play with us. To enter the challenge go to the Impression Obsession Blog (all the details are there!). A random challenge card will be selected to showcase on the IO blog and you can enter to win a $25 gift certificate to IO just by playing! I hope you will go check out what the other IO teams members created for the challenge.

Daniela Dobson

Dina Kowal

llina Crouse

Jeanne Streiff

Jenny Gropp

Karen Amidon

Kelli Hull

Kittie Caracciolo  (that’s me)

Laura Fulcher

Vicki Garrett




12 thoughts on “Impression Obsession “Some Bunny Loves You” Challenge”

  1. Afternoon Kittie…. I see the Queen of critters & flowers is back…. lol. As always, I so love this card… Your coloring ability always makes me smile…. Thank you for sharing your wonderful creativity

  2. Love this Kittie…always love how you color your animals…so realistic…I keep trying…just can’t make them look like yours…you can see the fur…


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