Super Cute Owl Christmas Cards!

KC Rubbernecker 5335-01D Build an Owl 3 right

Owl Christmas cards have always been popular. It might be because of the Legend of the Christmas Owl that goes like this –  “I’m a little Christmas Owl. Please hang me in your tree. I won’t say much while I’m here, but my eyes have much to see. When Santa starts to check his list, …

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Cute Halloween Cards with Owls!

One of my cute Halloween cards featuring die cut owls dressed in an assortment of owl costumes!

Cute Halloween Cards with Owls IN COSTUME! Oh my gosh – when I saw this new set of die cuts I just knew I was going to make some cute Halloween cards that would make us ALL crack up! Each of these adorable owls were made using the new Rubbernecker Build an Owl set and …

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