Help Feed and Rescue Dogs and Cats for Free

The Animal Rescue Site                                          

Animal Rescue Site


FreeKibble - Help Feed Hungry Dogs and Cats!

 Free Kibble for Dogs and Cats


I don’t have a regular post today but thought I would take this opportunity to post about something dear to my heart.  You can help rescue and feed homeless animals for free every day just by taking a few seconds of your time to click on these sites.  Both of these organizations donate food to shelters all over the country.  You can set up a daily reminder for both to come directly to your email.  You click a couple of buttons on the page and you are finished.  There couldn’t  be an easier way to help care for homeless and helpless animals. Please take a minute and check out the links.

I just had to post a picture of my rescued cat, Buddy.  He found his way into my fenced in back yard in February and has been here ever since.  After a couple hundred dollars in vet bills he has now joined the pride of cats that live with me and my husband in our home. He is a true treasure and definitely a wonderful life worth saving.  He weighed 12 pounds when these pictures were taken and has now gained up to 15 healthy pounds.  He is the biggest cat in our house and nobody messes with him. 

Buddy A 2 14 11Buddy B 2 14 11

My husband told me I'm never allowed to look at anything that moves in the back yard again. LOL!

I hope you have a great day!


4 thoughts on “Help Feed and Rescue Dogs and Cats for Free”

  1. God Bless you for posting this – you must have been reading my mind as I too have been planning to post about this. I click both each day. I spent time Sunday at the animal shelter to drop off box bottoms to be used as litter boxes in cages. My husband is so faithful going to stores 2 and 3 times each week. I was overwhelmed when the cats in just ONE of the rooms they have came crowding around me just for attention and petting. I spent an hour probably petting between 40-to-50 cats! And there were even more I couldn’t get to in cages elsewhere.

  2. Thank you so much for bringing this to the attention of so many people. I have been the SC English Bulldog rescue contact for over 10 years and I have been blessed so many times. I am down to only 4 dogs right now but they are wonderful babies that would have been put down if I had not found them. They bless my life and give me so much more than I could ever give to them! You remind me of my Mom who took in every stray kitty that ever came her way. I was constantly clipping cat coupons to send her way. These furry babies need our help and they ask for so little in return! Thank you.

  3. I am the proud owner of one Lhasa/Peke puppy mill reject, one Bichi-Poo from the dog pound and one Chi mix whose owner didn’t want him anymore so stopped feeding him. My daughter brought him home. His sister had already died. I don’t know who rescued who, really but I cannot imagine my life without them. thanks for info. Have already visited both sites and donated.

  4. Kittie, this is definitely a post that’s near and dear to my heart! I visit the Animal Rescue site every morning (have for years) and “click to feed”. Your rescue cat, Buddy, is beautiful. I have 2 abandoned kittens I’ve taken in and would be glad to send them down your way!! I could sneak them into the FRONT yard and maybe Bob wouldn’t even notice! Hugs!!


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